Friday, June 7, 2013

Why is it so Hard to Make Friends

Am I the only one who finds it hard to make friends as an adult?  If women are the more talkative, cerebral types, why does it seem so hard for us to make friends in adulthood?  Is it fear of rejection?  Possible negative judgement?  How do you even go about cultivating a friendship?

I have no flippin' idea.

So, I'm sitting here watching the Sex & the City Movie.  (It's on basic cable so you know all the fun parts have been edited out!) Anyway... I look at the friendships of those women & wonder if that type of closeness actually exists.  I don't have any examples of that in my life & I wonder why that is...

Have I isolated myself against the outside world so much so in favor of my family that I've forgotten how to make a new & perhaps ever lasting friendship?

I have maybe one close friend.  She saw me at my darkest times & helped me celebrate my best times.  I can call or text her out of the blue and it's like we talk everyday.  But she's the only one.

Do I feel subconsciously that I don't have time for shallow friendships so I figure, why bother?  But then how can the friendship evolve into anything deeper if I don't put myself out there?

If anyone has any suggestions... I'm open to whatever you got!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

When Did Everyone Get So Stinking Negative?

You know the old saying, "misery loves company" right?  Well, it's true!  I look around on the handful of social media sites I visit & see so many posts, comments and all around view of the world as negative.  It's tiresome!  While most people look at others with a pessimistic outlook as "realists" I look at them and wonder if they didn't get hugged enough as a child!  Haha.

Seriously... what gives?  I feel a lot of people think it's easy peasy to go through the day with a smile plastered on their face.  It's not.  It's so easy to get bogged down by other's bad moods.  Get sucked in to the whole "it's not my fault... the world owes me" bit.  Well, guess what?  You reap what you sow & if you're throwing out negative vibes into the universe, that's all you're going to get back.

A while back I purchased the book, Best You Ever 365 Ways to be Richer, Happier, Thinner, Smarter, Younger, Sexier and More Relaxed - Each and Every Day.  This book is filled with daily tips designed to be easily understood.  Each day focuses on a different element of your life where you may find you need improvement upon and includes guidance to help you achieve that goal or at least make strides closer to it. 

The days are broken down like so:

Monday = Be Richer
Tuesday = Be Happier
Wednesday = Be Thinner
Thursday = Be Smarter
Friday = Be Younger
Saturday = Be Sexier
Sunday = Be More Relaxed

Each day has a corresponding quote and begins by presenting ideas to adjust your mindset in order to fulfill that day's step.   Since today is Tuesday, today's tip focuses on being happier.  Today we will work toward kicking "the negativity habit".  Hence my rant above!

Per the book's suggestions, let's try to quiet the negative voices in our head.  Who owns those voices anyway?  When the voice is not your own, tell it to shut the heck up!  Do you purposely hang around people you do not like?  Do you let those same people glom on to you throughout the day?  I sure hope not!  That being said... don't let their negative voice cloud your mind and drown out the positive happening around you.  You don't need it!

Accomplishing this will lead you to a calmer, happier, more peaceful state of mind.  It won't be easy.  Nothing worth doing ever is!  It will take time.

You are WORTH IT!