Saturday, May 19, 2012

Color Me Fifty Shades of Disappointed

I usually don't get sucked into media hype of anything.  Not movies, TV, books or the like... until The Hunger Games movie trailer came out.  Oh man!  I bought into it BIG TIME!  So I quickly bought the trilogy for my Kindle and got to reading.  I poured through all three books in record time.  I kept wanting to see what developed next.  I loved, loved, LOVED the books!  So, before I go any further on this, let me say that the movie, compared to the book, was a HUGE let down. I know typically movies can't hold a candle to an original book, but even the Harry Potter movies kept to the original story more so than the Hunger Games did.

Anyway, back to my point (I do have one, I swear!)  I usually don't buy into the hype, right?  So here comes all the talk about the Fifty Shades of Grey book by E.L. James.  I'm not doing it... not not NOT!  OK, I couldn't take it anymore.  On all the morning programs they were harping on this book's ability to recharge a marriage, that it is being called "mommy porn", celebrities are embarrassed to admit they are reading it, etc..

OK, fine... I bought it.  I couldn't wait to see what all the hype was about. The premise of the story is good.  However, the writing style left a little to be desired (no pun intended).  For someone who is to be a college graduate, the internal dialogue of Miss Steele was extremely immature.  I had a hard enough time wrapping my head around a 26 year old virgin, but when you read her repeated exclamations of "holy cow!" "holy f*ck!"  "holy crap!" & "jeez!" it gets old real quick.  Not to mention Ms. James' limited vocabulary.  When she used a new word to describe a particular situation, she continued to use that same strange word too many times within the next few paragraphs.  I mean how many times can you used the work "besieged" in one paragraph?  That answer is twice, in consecutive sentences!

I understand why everyone is in an uproar over the topic of this novel.  But to be honest, I kept reading waiting to read about some brutal act that was going to happen.  For all the toys in Mr. Grey's Playroom, he sure didn't use many of them! 

Here's my take on the book, for what it's worth... I believe the ladies are in love with this book and/or series based off the initial idea of being pursued by a strong, confidant man.  Wanting to believe that someone could want you so bad that it sends shivers down your spine and butterflies in your stomach is the ultimate idea of a woman being swept off her feet.  The preverbial Knight in Shining Armor!  Most women can't imagine being chased by a man who is that confident, knows what he wants, and isn't afraid to do whatever it takes to get it.  Being pursued, being the complete object of some one's desires is a powerful thing.  Something I wish Ana would've been more accepting of, instead of second guessing every off hand remark or peculiar look made by Mr. Grey.  Being adventurous in the bedroom is integral to fanning the flames so the marriage or relationship doesn't burn out.  Remembering what attracted you to each other in the first place is important!

I'm sure the movie will be an even bigger success than the books (for all those people with no time to read will surely want to see what the big idea is!).  Maybe this time the movie will surpass the book.  I am glad I only purchased the first book of this trilogy.  I won't purchase the others and I doubt I'll see the movie (until it's out on cable, of course!)

My review of this book:  Vanilla

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