Friday, May 4, 2012

It's All Fun and Games...

"It's all fun and games, 'til someone has a child." ~ Miranda Hobbs, SATC

I have three kids.  Three GIRLS.  I love them with all my heart, but sometimes... yes, I'll admit it, I'm envious of the childless.  Single or coupled, having no one to monitor 24/7 must be such a relief.  But then, if those childless people have never had kids, do they realize how lucky they are to have only themselves or their significant others to answer to?  I'm not so sure.

I know it's crazy talk to admit your kids drive you nuts from time to time.  Seriously, tho... what parent doesn't secretly relish their "alone time", "grown up time", "mommy & daddy time"?  With the most supportive husband in the world, I look forward to when he gets home from work every day, because I know kid time is over and grown up time is about to begin!  Yay!

We can just be hanging out and watching the DVR, playing games or whatever.  It's the best bonding after a long day at work (for him) and a long day of household and child responsibilities (me).  I can feel completely drained at the end of the day, even if I don't have much to show for it!  lol  I will tell you, after having a nice night with my husband I am renewed to face a new day with my ladies.

So tell me, does anyone else out there feel the same way?  I can't be the only one (I hope!).


1 comment:

  1. I love my kids beyond anything but they constantly DRIVE ME NUTS! They are doing it right now. All day they climb on me, act as if they cannot play by themselves, talk talk talk. Again, I LOVE them but, sheesh, I need a little space every now and then.
